Marriage Rules - Massachusetts

Dear Spouses-to-be:
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! If you have not done so already, please review the information at before proceeding. Remember:
A marriage license from Chelmsford can be used to get married anywhere in Massachusetts but cannot be used for marriages performed outside of Massachusetts.
Your filing/application date is the day you both come into the office to review, sign, and swear to the Intention and pay the $30 fee. There is then a three-day waiting period before you can pick up your license, and the license is good for 60 days from the filing date. If you do not marry within 60 days, you will need to reapply and pay for a new license.
You will both need to know your social security numbers (if any) and your parents’ last names at the time of their birth or adoption. Before completing the application, you must decide whether you are changing your last name upon marriage.
Click on the “Start/Resume Marriage Registration” button on this page and carefully complete the three forms in this program: Notice of Intention of Marriage, Supplement, and Worksheet.
Do not leave lines blank on the Notice of Intention form (except sections 7A, 7B, 16A and 16B which apply to very few applicants). If there is information you do not know, type “- - -” (three dashes) so it is clear you did not simply overlook the question. (On the Worksheet you may leave the place, date, and officiant information blank.) We will review all the documents with you when you come into the office, and you can correct any mistakes at that time.
Once you marry, your officiant will complete his or her portion of the license and return it to the Town Clerk, who will register the marriage. You should contact the Clerk’s Office to request certified copies of your marriage certificate after you are married. Copies are $10 each if you pick them up, $15 each if they are mailed.
The Town Clerk is a Justice of the Peace. If you plan to get married at the Town Offices please email the Town Clerk directly to secure a date and time and to go over details.
Effective October 26, 2022, individuals under the age of 18 are prohibited from getting married.
Please be prepared to show Proof of Age to the Clerk’s office, as mandated by MGL Ch.207 S.33A. Please bring ONE from the following list of acceptable proof: License or Real ID; an original or certified copy of a record of birth; an original or certified copy of a baptismal record; a passport; a life insurance policy; an employment certificate; a school record; an immigration record; a naturalization record; or a court record.
Welcome to
Marriage Registration System Online
Chelmsford, MA
Click here to Start/Resume Marriage Registration