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Burn Permit System

Log in for Resident of Upton

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Welcome to Town of Upton's Online Burn Permit System
Using this system, you will be able to:
  1. Apply and Pay for the yearly Burn Permit.
  2. Activate your Burn Permit for each day you want to burn.
Instructions to use this system:
  1. Register:
    1. In order to use this system, you need to click Register Now and create an account. Your email address will be your User ID. After Registration you will be able to log into the system.
    2. Once you have created your account, you need to login using the same account every year in order to 1) Apply for yearly Burn Permit and 2) Activate your Burn Permit for each day you want to burn.
  2. Apply for Yearly Burn Permit: Before any burning activity, you must have a valid Burn Permit applied from this system for current year.
    1. Login into the system using your account.
    2. After login, click Apply for Burn Permit from top to Apply, Pay online and Submit for current year Burn Permit. Note, you need to apply for Burn Permit once a year.
  3. Activate Permit to Burn: In order to burn on a given day you need to “Activate” your yearly Burn Permit for that day. You can only “Activate” your permit on the day you want to burn. In order to do this,
    1. Login into the system using your account.
    2. After login, on Dashboard-Permit page click Activate link. This will activate your permit to burn for that day.
    3. There is no fee to activate your Burn Permit for a given day.
                                                         *** Check Burn Permit Status***